Wednesday, January 9, 2013

LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY: What is your possession?

For some it's boring, for some it's cool and some would just watch it because it's different from the usual movies that they always watch in cinema or on screen. If you really are not into adventures you won't like it but that doesn't mean  that this trilogy of Lord of the Rings should be compared to the series of Harry Potters because even though they both have the elements of magic and fantasy, Lord of the Rings still has its own unique elements that attracts people to love it and praise it.

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The author of this book (JRR Tolkien) really did a good job in making this Trilogy. If you're just watching because of the Actors/ Actresses who are in it or because of the graphics and the animations of the film, your movie ticket is not worth it. If you will really analyze what the story of the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King, it is not just about the possession of getting the ring and claim it then you'll become the most powerful living creature in the world. This Trilogy depicted life and how people lived and living with it. 

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The Ring, it represents money. Everyone wants to have it and own it. In this world, money is a need in able to survive but the problem is they we sometimes depend to much on this material thing to the point where we'll do everything just to get it and earn it. Oh and not only money but also those things that we possess the most, that could be compared to the Ring that we're talking about in the film. 

Yes, we know that in a movie even in real life, there's an antagonist and protagonist. In this trilogy, Frodo is the main protagonist even from the very beginning. he represents human beings. But what happened to him? he was also deceived by the spark and beauty of the ring. There was a scene where in he lose trust to the old people he trusted because he was too deceived by the power of the ring. Frodo's mission is to throw the ring into the flaming mountain where it could be destroyed. He went to many obstacles and trials before he finally got to the place where he should destroy the temptation. But when he got there, for the last time he was deceived and had that second thought on throwing it. The choice of destroying it is in his hands. 

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In life, there are people who will help you and there are people who will pull you down. There are choices that could put your life at risk and some decisions that will make you better and see greater things in life. In Frodo's case, Sam didn't leave him alone because he is a true friend. Frodo found a happy place to live and continue his life just like the way it was before he got the ring. 

I love Lord of the Rings because they made a simple conflict into a twist that put emphasis on the attitudes and behavior of the characters in the story. It started with a simple ring and the only thing to destroy it is to throw it into a flame of fire. But behind that, there are different stories that made the conflict more interesting and that is the story of betrayal, friendship, trust, hope and love. 

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